Tag: healing

  • Understanding grief, a healthy response to trauma

    Understanding grief, a healthy response to trauma

    Let’s Talk Together about grief. First, let me share some of my own experience with you. In the last eight years I have been through a sequence of challenging life situations from home care and subsequent death of my husband, cancer, COVID and retirement. My response to radical events like these is to take action.…

  • Ladies Fancy Shawl Dance

    Ladies Fancy Shawl Dance

    Stories for June – Canada’s National Indigenous History Month INTRODUCTION This article was posted on Facebook in March 2024. It is reproduced here by the kind permission of Drum Circle Harmony. I wanted to share it with you because it is a beautiful tale about the grief journey from the deep sadness of the loss…

  • Breathe


    The Road To Recovery And Healing A number of years ago I was doing resistance training. The key thing that the instructor emphasized was to breathe consistently throughout the activity. My physiotherapist taught me proper breathing when doing my muscle-relaxing stretches. Works for me! “Don’t Hold Your Breath” Whether straining to push or pull a weight,…