
Helpful articles and healing poetry

Cathy’s articles discuss grief, its stages and impacts. She uses her own lived experience with a variety of circumstances and her observations of life around her to illustrate the points made in each article.

Sometime humourous; sometimes poignant. Cathy shares her life with you.

Her articles always leaves the reader with words of hope and healing.

Find Peace Amid The Turbulent Waters Of Grief

Photo by Tracey Hocking on Unsplash
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Find Peace Amid The Turbulent Waters Of Grief

Find out more about our Grief Education Services

Cathy Carphin, Lets Talk Together, Grief Education Services

About Cathy

Cathy Carphin, has a B.A. in Psychology and is certified as a Grief Educator and trained in Polyvagal Theory and techniques. She specializes in providing personal and empathetic 1-on-1 counselling sessions as well as communal healing through group workshops primarily centred around navigating the complexities of grief, trauma, and loss. Discover your path to healing with professional guidance and a supportive community.

“I felt very safe in the discussion group. I really felt the environment you encouraged led to others sharing some of their stories. Even though I have walked the journey with many close family and loved ones I still learned things to help me move forward by sharing, and hearing their stories.”

Sharon W.