1001 Little Things

In the months following the death of my husband, I continued to go to the office. It helped normalize my life in the wake of probably THE most devasting experience of my life. I was numb to the grief that was building inside me. As I drove to and from work and around town to do chores or visit, it was slowly impressed upon me how different the world was. 

1001 little things 

It’s not so much the pain of loss … 

Not quite as fresh, but still too new; 

Remembered things; caught off guard 

For a moment – expecting you. 

It’s the 1001 little things 

that bring you back to me. 

A familiar scene in a TV show, 

a word said here or there,

An inadvertent sideways glace 

at an empty chair. 

Driving by a place we went, 

special trips and simple things. 

Because we were together, 

tears well up and I can’t speak. 

These things are changed forever.